Summerville SC Pest Control

Summerville, SC Pest Control

Reliable Pest Control In Summerville, SC

Never judge a book by its cover, and the same can be said for Summerville, SC. At first glance, it may seem like any other small town in America, but upon closer inspection, Summerville is a hidden gem. What sets Summerville apart from other towns is its unique history and culture.

However, like most other places, Summerville has its fair share of pests. From mosquitoes to rats, pests can be a nuisance. But don't worry, there are plenty of county pest control options in Summerville.

Core Pest Solutions is a residential and commercial pest control service company that's been keeping Dorchester County pest-free for years.

We offer various services to meet your specific needs and will work with you to create a customized plan.

Residential & Commercial Pest Control

Residential Pest Control In Summerville

There are tons of deadly insects and pests in Summerville that can threaten your health and safety. Some of the most common pests we see around are:

  • Ants: Carpenter ants and red imported fire ants are the most common type of ant in Summerville.
  • Bees and Wasps: Bees and wasps are attracted to sweet smells, so keep your trash can lid closed tight to avoid attracting these stinging insects.
  • Cockroaches: These pests are attracted to food and moisture, so kitchen areas are a likely place to find them.
  • Spider: Spiders are attracted to insects, so if you have a problem with insects, you probably have a problem with spiders.
  • Termites: These pests are attracted to wood, so your home or office is at risk if you have any wooden structures.

At Core Pest Solutions, we offer a variety of services to rid your home of these pests, including:

  • Inspection
  • Extermination
  • Prevention

These pests can't only damage your property but also spread diseases making it essential to get rid of them as soon as possible. Take advantage of our home pest control services and give us a call today.

Commercial Pest Control In Summerville

Pests are a business's worst nightmare. They can damage your property and drive away customers. It's crucial to have a commercial pest control firm you can trust to keep your business pest-free.

At Core Pest Solutions, we appreciate how important your business is to you. That's why we offer various services to keep your business pest-free.

We service a broad range of sectors, including:

  • Restaurants and foodservice industries
  • Retail stores
  • Office buildings
  • Hotels and motels
  • Warehouses and manufacturing plants
  • Apartment buildings and property management companies

No matter what type of critter is bugging you, we can help. Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in the latest pest control methods and techniques.

Give us a try and see why we're the leading commercial pest control company in Summerville.

How To Tell If Your Summerville Property Has A Termite Problem

When left to their own devices, termites can cause extensive damage to your property. Consequently, it's important to look for signs of a problem.

Some of the most common signs of a termite infestation are:

  • Mud tubes on the exterior of your foundation
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Visible swarmers or wings around your property
  • Frass or droppings near mud tubes
  • Termite nests in trees or stumps on your property

While most do-it-yourself (DIY) methods may seem like they're getting rid of the problem, they're usually only temporary solutions. The best way to eliminate termites is to hire a professional.

At Core Pest Solutions, we specialize in termite control and only use the best residential pest control products. Our methods are effective, safe, and will keep your property termite-free for years to come. 

Five Tips To Stop Ants In The Yard From Invading Your Summerville Home

No one likes finding ants in their home. These pests are a bother and can contaminate your food and spread diseases. The best way to keep ants out of your home is to prevent them from infesting in the first place.

Here are five tips to stop ants from invading your home:

  1. Ants are attracted to sweet smells, so keep your trash can lid closed tight.
  2. Remove any food sources that may attract ants, such as crumbs or spills.
  3. Trim any plants or shrubs that are touching your home to eliminate access points.
  4. Seal up any cracks or crevices around your home where ants may be able to enter.
  5. Use a commercial-grade ant spray around the perimeter of your home.

Following these tips can help you keep ants out of your home and reduce the chances of an infestation. However, if ants are already in your home, the best course of action is to consult a residential pest control company near you.

At Core Pest Solutions, we offer ant control services to get rid of these pests for good. Our fully licensed, bonded, and insured technicians have the experience and knowledge to solve any ant problem, no matter how big or small.

Contact us for unbeatable home pest control prices in Summerville.

Why Even Non-Venomous Spider Infestations In Summerville Can Be Dangerous

Did you know all types of spiders have fangs and venom? It's true; they use their fangs and venom to subdue prey and for defense. Although this is the case, the majority of spiders your will encounter on your property don't have potent enough venom to harm people and aren't medically dangerous. However, this doesn't mean that spiders aren't still a problem or even pose dangers. 

Because spiders are predators, their presence in your home can mean other insects also live inside. Some of these insects may not be dangerous, but spread diseases, cause contamination, and more. Even though spiders might be beneficial in keeping these pest populations under control, they are still unwelcome in any home.

Plus, some people may be allergic to spider venom, which means a bite from these arachnids can be dangerous and cause a severe reaction. But you can keep spiders and prey pests out of your home with Core Pest Solutions!

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How Dangerous Is It To Have Rats On My Summerville Property?

In short, it's dangerous to have rats on your Summerville property. But you probably want to know what dangers these pests pose to you and your family. 

When rats infest, they can cause problems such as spreading dangerous pathogens they pick up in sewers, dumpsters, and unsanitary places. These pathogens can cause leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, tularemia, and salmonellosis. However, diseases aren't the only concern with this pest. 

Rats can also be a source of contamination around your home, spreading germs onto the surfaces and food they touch. They spread parasites like ticks, mites, and fleas that can trigger allergies and asthma. Rats damage properties by chewing, including pipes and wires.

Not only all of this, but rats are also challenging to eliminate because they are quick breeders and a lot smarter than most people think. Rats can avoid people, baits, and traps while reproducing and growing the infestation. 

Get rid of rats with the assistance of pest control experts. Our pest specialists at Core Pest Control can provide the best treatment methods to eliminate a rat problem and prevent a future one. Call today to learn more.

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How Do I Get Rid Of German Cockroaches In My Summerville Home?

People don't always consider how dangerous German cockroaches are when they infest a home because they are the smallest home-invading species. Often, we see these pests as annoying or gross, but you and your family are vulnerable to these dangers they pose:

  • Spread of diseases and bacteria, including dysentery, E. coli, gastroenteritis, giardia, salmonellosis, and typhoid fever.
  • Contamination of food, surfaces, and personal hygiene products as they make their way throughout a home, leaving waste, saliva, and shed skin behind.
  • Create dust with their waste, which can aggravate allergies and asthma. 

As you can see, German cockroaches are not a pest anyone wants inside their home, but it's essential to understand how they affect you because they are common in our area. Luckily, you can access some of the state's best pest control services; Core Pest Solutions!

We will perform a full inspection for cockroaches to identify problem areas and conditions that allow these pests to thrive. Then, we will treat with baits and other necessary treatments to eliminate an active cockroach infestation

Contact Core Pest Solutions for more information about cockroaches and effective control methods.

All About Mice In Summerville And How To Keep Them Out Of Your Home

Mice are some of the most frustrating pets you can experience in your home. They are dangerous and cause many problems, such as chewing through different items and a home's structure, causing contamination, spreading disease and parasites, and much more. To help you out, here is a practical mouse control guide:

  • Preventing Mice: If you aren't currently experiencing an active mouse problem, you can make your property less attractive to these pests by removing food sources such as crumbs, open garbage, and flimsy food packaging. You should also remove harborage areas and entry points by keeping your yard clear of debris and your home clutter-free and organized. Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks and holes for entry points where rodents can squeeze through.
  • Controlling Mice: If you have an active rodent problem, you should seek assistance from our team of experts at Core Pest Solutions. We design our residential pest control services to safely and effectively remove rodents from your property and prevent them from becoming an issue again.

Don't forget, not only can we help you get rid of mice, but we can also assist with the many other types of pests you might experience in Summerville. So please don't wait any longer; call us at Core Pest Solutions today to get started!

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