
Removing Food Sources From The Ants In Summerville


Ants sometimes crawl around kitchens looking for sustenance or carry bits of food back to their nests by marching in lines. You've probably seen images of cartoon ants stealing food from a picnic, but while these animations might be endearing, ant infestations aren't so cute when they are on your property.

Ants in Summerville are quite invasive pests, and even the "nuisance" species can create significant issues. It's helpful to take steps now to prevent ants as almost any property can wind up with an ant problem. One of the most effective ways to deter ants is to address their food sources. Discover more about ant-eating habits from ant control experts.

What Do Ants Eat?

The more accurate question would be, what do ants not eat? Ants are omnivores that will eat a wide range of food sources. Here are some of the primary dietary sources for ants in the area:

  • Aphids And Other Insects: Many ants eat other small insects and eggs. They will eat live bugs or their decomposing bodies.
  • Plant Sap And Fruit: Most ants like sugary substances, so they'll go for fruits that have fallen off of trees in nature.
  • Foods In Your Pantry: Ants will eat any items they can access around your property. They aren't too picky whether they get into stored grain products or crumbs.
  • Pet Food Sources: Ants will also eat wet and dry pet food products.

While most ants don't spread specific diseases, you should still throw out any food products they infest. And there are some species like the pharaoh ant that can spread illnesses like salmonella.

How House Ants Find Food: Scouting And Gathering

One interesting fact about ants that most people don't know is that they have a great sense of smell. They have odor receptors on their antenna that help them detect food, even if it's far away. 

Many ant species use this sense of smell to forage. The foraging ants will create trails where they secrete a chemical. This process allows other ants to follow the scent to look for more food. Multiple ants will use these paths to get food and carry pieces back to the nest. They will "gather" the food items during this process and feed their eggs and larvae. 

What Happens If You Interrupt Ant Ant Trail?

Some ants mostly live outdoors but cause problems as they forage and build trails into your house. Others, like carpenter ants, will make their nests inside your property and even in the wooden structures themselves. If ants are nesting inside your home, trying to remove trails isn't an effective way to remove them.

However, you can deter ants from getting inside for outdoor colonies by cleaning up these trails. If you see ants along a trail, spray soap and water on the pathway. You can also put stronger scents on top of the area. Some good options are cinnamon and vinegar.

But, if the infestation is severe, the best way to remove it is with Summerville pest control plans. 

The Key To Keeping Ants Out Of Your Summerville Home For Good

Ants are especially prevalent and invasive, so letting home pest control professionals remove them is often much simpler. At Core Pest Solutions, we offer reliable ant prevention and removal services. We provide ongoing treatments to deter ants from becoming a problem, but we can eradicate them quickly if you already have an infestation. Call our office today to book a quote or inspection.