
The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Fire Ant Infestation On Your Summerville Property


There are many ants in Summerville, and while you might not know all of them, you've probably heard of the fire ant. These ants are notorious and disliked because they sting and leave people with burning pain. It's hard to forget the sensation of being stung by a fire ant. But, while being stung is never pleasant, it's also risky. Fire ants pose health risks and are generally difficult to have around your property. 

Luckily, there are reliable ways to prevent fire ants and remove existing infestations. Keep reading to get helpful ant control tips from our experts at Core Pest Solutions.

How To Identify A Fire Ant

While some ants are hard to tell apart, fire ants are somewhat distinct in their appearance. They are reddish-brown or reddish-orange, while most other ants in the area are brown or black. These ants have six legs and a small stinger at the end of their bodies.

Another way to identify fire ants is by their nests. These pests mostly live outdoors. The entrances to their colonies are small mounds of dirt, and you'll often see multiple fire ants scurrying around the outside of the nest. 

Why Fire Ants Are More Problematic Than Other Ants

Some ants around the area are just a nuisance, although still invasive. Sadly, fire ants are not one of these pests. While all ants in the area will get into food sources if they get a chance, most aren't dangerous. On the other hand, the fire ant has venom in its stinger. 

Most of the time, this venom isn't potent enough to lead to serious side effects, but some people are allergic to these stings. There's also the risk of being stung repeatedly as fire ants will work together to defend their nests. In these cases, anyone could wind up in the hospital.

So, overall, it's best to take preventative steps to keep fire ants away from your property and keep yourself and others safe.

The Most Effective Fire Ant Control For Your Property

Fire ants are unwelcome pests, but trying to remove them on your own is intimidating. They create their nests underground, so applying ant removal treatments that work is challenging. You'll likely waste time and money trying to remove these ants, and you could be putting yourself at risk. 

There is one easy way to eradicate fire ants, however. The Kensington pest control team at Core Pest Solutions provides home pest control services that address ants in your yard and your home. We eradicate existing infestations and prevent further ones.

Simple Yet Effective Tips To Prevent Future Ant Infestations

While ant control services are the best way to deal with fire ants, we also suggest taking some steps on your own to deter them. These are effective, natural ways to prevent fire ants. Here's what you can do:

  • Keep pet food stored inside your home in sealed containers.
  • Clean up yard debris, including rotting produce, leaf piles, and grass clippings.
  • Purchase lids for trash cans around the property and regularly take out the garbage. 
  • Reduce humidity issues by getting rid of standing water on your property. You can also repair leaky pipes and faucets. 
  • Patch up entry points into the house by sealing holes in the walls and foundation.
  • Repair torn screens in doors and windows.

For more fire ant removal help, call Core Pest Solutions today to request a quote or schedule a service visit.