
The Most Effective Mosquito Control For Your Summerville Yard


Have you ever been covered in mosquito bites? Multiple bites from these parasites are unpleasant to deal with as you’ll be itchy all over, but even one bite can be frustrating. Most people want to avoid being bitten by these nasty pests because of the annoying itching, but mosquitoes aren’t just nuisances. They are the most dangerous pest globally because of all the diseases they transmit. While not all infestations will make you sick, you should still be cautious about these pests.

While mosquitoes are dangerous, you can keep yourself safe by taking preventive steps and getting mosquito control help. Learn how to keep mosquitoes away from your Summerville, NC yard in this guide.

The Role Mosquitoes Play In The Ecosystem

Mosquitoes seem like they only exist to make their hosts miserable. But, while mosquitos leave both people and animals with itchy bites, they play an essential role in the ecosystem. Mosquitos are pollinators that consume the nectar from plants. The male mosquitoes don’t feed on blood at all, but the females do to get extra protein to lay their eggs.

Unfortunately, despite this role in the ecosystem, they are still dangerous pests you’ll want to avoid.

The Many Problems Mosquitoes Around Your Yard Can Create

Mosquitoes are dangerous. Worldwide, they spread a long list of malaria, Zika virus, West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, and more. While most of these illnesses are not in the area, mosquitoes transmit some in Summerville. Mosquito-borne diseases such as encephalitis and West Nile occur in the United States.

Mosquitoes are also one of the most invasive pests in Summerville. They breed quickly and are nearly impossible to remove using DIY pest control efforts. But, if you don’t already have mosquitoes, you can reduce the odds of an infestation by following some preventive measures. 

Six Eco-Friendly Ways To Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Yard

Mosquitos are difficult to prevent because they are found in large numbers in certain areas, especially if you live near water. But, you can still make your property less appealing to mosquitoes by removing the factors that attract them, such as:

  1. Eradicate any standing water sources around your property.
  2. Cover hot tubs, pools, and other water features and use cycled water. You should also apply the proper chemicals to any of these features.
  3. Use trimmers to clean up trees and shrubs as mosquitoes rest in the shade of leaves during the day. 
  4. Clear rain gutters to ensure that rainwater can drain. This step keeps standing water from becoming a problem again. 
  5. Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum and point it away from the exterior of your house.
  6. Contact Summerville pest control experts for more assistance.

If you already have a mosquito infestation, it’s not worth wasting and money to try and eliminate them. Instead, let our Core Pest Solutions team treat your yard and remove these dangerous pests.

Why Professional Control Is A Great Idea For Your Yard

To eradicate mosquitoes, you need to treat the areas where they reproduce and rest. The easiest way to treat your yard and eliminate mosquitoes and their eggs are with assistance from our home pest control professionals. 

We provide ongoing or one-time mosquito treatments. One-time treatments are best to protect an area for an outdoor event. Monthly treatments are ideal if you have continual mosquito infestations and need to keep you and your family safe from bites.

Call Core Pest Solutions today to learn more about mosquito control or request a quote.