
What It Takes To Get Rid Of Fire Ants Around Your Summerville Home


A homeowner’s worst nightmare is discovering fire ants on their property. Those mounds of dirt you see scattered around your yard indicate that these ants have made themselves comfortable in your outdoor living space. But at Core Pest Solutions, we deliver the most effective pest control in Summerville to decimate fire ants, so the only ones who are comfortable are you and your family.

How To Tell If It's Fire Ants Crawling Around Your Yard

Ant hills or mounds in your yard are the best indicators that fire ants have made your property their home. Once you see these hills of loose dirt piles popping up, that is your sign to take immediate action before the situation worsens. Take a look at some other signs that fire ants have infested your property:

  • Ant mounds that have no center holes for the insects to enter and exit
  • Ant hills that appear quickly after a rainfall
  • Large numbers of ants seem to come out of nowhere once their mound has been disturbed
  • Stinging by these ants or hearing that others on your property had been stung

If you’ve witnessed any of these signs, get in touch with qualified pest control to schedule fire ant treatment in the Summerville area.

Why A Fire Ant Infestation Is Such A Problem For Your Home

If you have fire ants around your property, you should take steps to eliminate them as quickly as possible. These ants are one of the most disruptive and aggressive ant species and can be dangerous to you, your family, or any visitors.

Fire ant stings can be painful, often resulting in an intense burning sensation and a sharp pain. During an attack, these ants attach to their prey using their jaws. They swivel their bodies to use their back stinger. Fire ants sting their prey repeatedly, so you must physically remove them to stop the attack. Also, as social insects, they can attack in large numbers, especially if their mounds are disturbed.    

Why It Is So Difficult To Completely Get Rid Of Fire Ants

Fire ants are one of the most challenging to wipe out of all the ant species that can invade your home or yard. The main reason is the size of their colonies, which could easily consist of 100,000 to 500,000 workers. That’s not including the other members, like the queens and swarmers. Additionally, fire ants construct intricate and massive tunnel structures under the ground, making them formidable to eliminate. Also, one colony can have multiple queens. If one or more queens perish, the colony can still replenish its numbers with the remaining queens.

Fire ant groups are so large that even if you destroy the entire colony, there will still be enough members to build a new one and take over the area once occupied by the last one. Therefore, it’s imperative that you contact professional pest control for fire ants in Summerville.

Contact The Professionals For Total Fire Ant Elimination

The best method of fire ant control for your Summerville home is to partner with a professional exterminating company with the knowledge and resources to eradicate your pest problem quickly and adequately. Relying on home remedies and do-it-yourself (DIY) practices can cost you money and time and worsen the situation. So, reach out to the pros from the first moment you see fire ant mounds in your yard. 

Our team of experienced technicians at Core Pest Solutions provides the most effective pest control to eliminate fire ants in or around your property successfully. We understand the emotional toll it can take when nuisance pests have taken over your indoor or outdoor living spaces, limiting your ability to move freely without fear or harm.

Reach out to us today and let us help restore your tranquility and peace of mind by transforming your residence into the pest-free environment it was always meant to be.