
Are Summerville Cockroaches Giving You A Hard Time?


Of all the pests that could give you a hard time in Summerville, cockroaches are unarguably the worst. These flat insects love to invade homes and bring countless problems with them when they do. If you have not taken the time to think about the different types of cockroaches in Summerville, we have some things for you to consider today. To skip right to professional cockroach control, give our team a call. We will walk you through our Summerville pest control options and find a plan that best fits your home.

Three Things You Did Not Know About Cockroaches 

Chances are, you know what cockroaches are but you don’t know much about them. That's all right. We are experts. To help you better understand these pests, here are three things you may not know.

1. The cockroach is one of the most (if not the most) durable insect. They are able to withstand over 900 times their body weight in pressure, can survive radiation levels that would kill a human, and have a natural resistance to many chemical-based pesticides. 

2. A cockroach prefers to hide in moist areas where its back and belly can touch a surface at the same time. This is why roaches are commonly found hiding inside and around large kitchen appliances.

3. Some types of cockroaches can run three miles per hour. To make things worse, roaches are able to transition from floors to walls to ceilings without breaking pace.

Common Problems Cockroaches Cause

Cockroaches are among the most problematic pests here in Summerville. Not only are they known for chewing holes in fabrics and damaging stored items but they are also incredibly dangerous. Cockroaches are mainly dangerous because of the diseases they spread. German cockroaches, the most common species in our area, are capable of spreading 6 parasitic worms, 7 human pathogens, and 33 different kinds of bacteria. That is a lot of ways to get you sick! To make things worse, cockroaches can also trigger asthma attacks and allergies with their dry fecal droppings and shed skins. As infestations grow worse, the chances of people having respiratory problems go up exponentially.

Homeowner's Guide To Avoiding Cockroaches 

If you are trying to keep cockroaches out of your Summerville home, you need to utilize preventative measures. We recommend starting with some DIY cockroach control strategies. Here is a quick guide to avoiding cockroaches:

  • Check your home’s exterior for gaps, cracks, and other openings. Seal these openings using a caulking gun, or do extensive repair work if it is needed.
  • Make sure all of your doors and windows are protected with screens, weather-stripping, and/or door sweeps. 
  • Address moisture issues like leaky piping, water build-up, and high humidity levels inside and around your home.
  • Clean your home regularly and do your best to keep things tidy.
  • Make sure your trash cans have pest-proof lids and keep bins clean.

Benefits Of Professional Cockroach Control 

There is only one guaranteed solution to cockroach problems, professional pest control. If you are in need of control services to keep invasive roaches out of your Summerville home, look no further than Core Pest Solutions. Our team of trained technicians would be happy to treat your home for these problematic pests. If you are looking for year-round protection, check out our general pest control options. We have several plans to help you keep out a wide range of invasive species, including roaches.

Call today to learn more. We will walk you through your options and show you what Summerville pest control could look like for your home and property.