
How To Make Your Summerville Yard Less Attractive To Mosquitoes


Do you struggle with mosquitoes around your Summerville yard during the summertime? Do you hate being bitten by these obnoxious insects? You know how frustrating these pests are and how difficult to remove if you've dealt with mosquito infestations before. But, while everyone hates mosquito bites, these pests are more than just a pain as they also pose health risks.

Mosquitoes are potentially dangerous, so taking time to prevent them is a wise idea. Our experts at Core Pest Solutions have put together this guidebook to help you make your yard less attractive to mosquitoes. Read on to get advice from the Summerville pest control pros.

What Are Mosquitoes?

Mosquitos are flying insects that live throughout most of the globe. There are actually over 3,500 different species of mosquitoes, but only a few are in our area. The majority of mosquitoes are grayish, and they have six legs and long, humped bodies. But, the most apparent characteristic mosquitoes have is their long, needle-like appendage called a proboscis.

Another fact about mosquitoes most people don't know is that only the female mosquitoes bite, and some species don't bite.

Mosquitoes spread disease because they are vectors. A vector is an animal or insect that spreads germs to humans and animals. While not all mosquitoes will make you sick, it's still helpful and safer to avoid their bites. 

The Dangerous Diseases Mosquitoes Are Known To Spread

Did you know that mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on the planet? While you might assume this title would go to a large creature like a shark or a ferocious animal like a bear, mosquitos spread many illnesses that lead to fatalities. The diseases mosquitoes spread are malaria, the Zika virus, St. Louis encephalitis, and the West Nile virus.

Luckily, many of these illnesses aren't present in Summerville mosquitoes, but this doesn't mean there are no risks. Mosquito bites can also trigger worse allergic reactions in some people than others.

Easy Ways To Remove Factors That Attract Mosquitoes To Your Yard

Mosquitoes are mainly attracted to properties with water sources and shady foliage. To effectively prevent mosquitoes, you can implement a few measures to reduce these factors, such as:

  • Trim up the trees and the shrubs around your property to remove areas where mosquitoes rest during the daytime.
  • Get rid of standing water that's pooled around the yard. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so removing access is a crucial step. 
  • Treat hot tubs, pools, and water features with the correct chemicals and use cycled water. You can also place lids on these elements in your yard if possible. 
  • Fix broken screens in doors and windows to keep mosquitoes from flying inside your home.

Unfortunately, you might still have a mosquito problem even if you follow these steps, as these pests are often endemic to a broader area. So, if you can't seem to get rid of mosquitoes, the Summerville mosquito control professionals at Core Pest Solutions are here to help.

Call The Professionals About Total Mosquito Control For Your Yard

Mosquitoes are risky to have around, and being bitten repeatedly is awful. These bites are itchy and miserable, and no one wants to have these flying insects around. Luckily, there is an effective way to keep mosquitoes away from your Summerville yard.

Core Pest Solutions offers ongoing home pest control solutions that significantly reduce mosquito populations around your yard. Call our team today to learn more or request a yard inspection and treatment.